
Every single time when we look up at the night sky, we admire a fullness of stars, which surround us. But actually, there are significantly more stars, and our sight is unable to contemplate their true quantity. According to astronomers, there may be more than 200 billion individual stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone. There are the same type of luminaries like our sun, some smaller, and others that are several times greater.

In a gravitational field, the majority of stars have planets revolving around them. The most of them probably aren’t habitable and could even be dangerous for living creatures. On some of these exoplanets, there may be liquid water, which is a key source of life as we know it.

We’ve been unable to discover evidences of life beyond our planet as of yet, neither primitive nor reasonable. But the future is unpredictable.

There are dozens of potentially liveable planets, but the vast distance in space is a great impediment for humanity, which does not allow us to explore them. From the current level of technological development, we would need hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of years of flight to reach them.

Life beyond Earth, as we know it, is only possible with a small degree of probability if not excluded. Our planet remains unique and inimitable for us, but it is fading… Due to the unreasonable exploitation of natural resources, environmental destruction, and human avarice.

Nothing lasts forever in space, and planets die over time.

Astrophysicists estimate in four-five billion years, the sun will enter a phase of a red giant and scorch the Earth. The whole story of our planet will be erased for all eternity.

One gets the feeling that humanity is not ready to wait so long…